5 Interesting Warren Buffett Facts


Did you know that Warren Buffett was successfully picking out stocks at the age of 11?! Somehow, we aren't surprised. Probably why he turned out to be the greatest investor of the 20th Century! Find out more cool trivia about this wealthy gentleman with our 5 Interesting Warren Buffett Facts list!

1) Buffett was successfully picking out stocks at the age of 11. Earning what would be the equivalence to $53,000 today!

2) Buffett does not keep a computer on his desk or use a smartphone!

3) About 99% of his wealth was earned after his 50th birthday!

4) Warren plans to donate 85% of his fortune to charity and disperse the remaining 15% among his children!

5) Buffett still lives in the house he purchased in 1956 for $31,500 in Omaha, Nebraska!

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